The extraordinary Ogden Pioneer Days Celebration took on a distinctive twist this year as our own David and Ronda Wadman were honored as the Grand Marshals of the 2022 festivities. Both David and Ronda have fond memories of attending the Pioneer Days Rodeo in their youth and have continued that tradition with their children and grandchildren. Wadman Corporation has been a long time sponsor of the rodeo and it makes perfect sense that David and Ronda be recognized at this special event honoring our Pioneer heritage.

Faith in God, our country and family values are important to David and Ronda. They said, “The Ogden Pioneer Days Celebration helps us enjoy these great values as they remind us of what is important in our lives.” They added, “May we be as brave and courageous as our pioneer ancestors as we face the challenges of our days and live up to the values and principles as they did.”

Congratulations to David and Ronda! Thank you for all the good you do for our community and for Wadman Corporation!
